Survey for Interested in the Masa "Sambation" Program

Masa "Sambation"

2015-2016, Jerusalem

In 2015-16, two streams will operate in the "Masa-Sambation" program: Philological and Artistic. Each will delve into Jewish culture in its own way. Artists will engage through interaction with Jerusalem-based colleagues, courses on the history of Jewish and world art, plein air painting, and workshops. Philologists will engage through in-depth academic courses in literature and linguistics, seminars, library work, and the development of their own research project. Both streams will study Jewish texts and Hebrew, become acquainted with the culture of Jerusalem, and participate actively in it.

We invite creative individuals aged 17 to 30: students, young researchers, those interested in Judaica and education, artists, people involved in the arts, etc.

The "Masa-Sambation" program was created by the "Sambation" community in cooperation with the "Melamedya" program. The "Sambation" community aims to find the place of Jewish culture in the modern world. We bring together people from various fields and create a space for personal growth and collaborative projects at the intersection of science, art, and education in both the CIS and Israel. More information about our community can be found on our website (

We invite you to join the second cohort of the program; over the course of the year, you will be able to gain significant proficiency in Hebrew or improve your language skills, immerse yourself in the study of Jewish texts, receive serious training in Judaica, get acquainted with the cultural life of Jerusalem, and create your own research or creative project.

Selection will be done on a competitive basis. The Masa grant covers the cost of the educational program, participants will receive health insurance and a stipend. Only individuals with the right of return can receive this grant. Tickets are not covered. We will assist you in finding and renting apartments, preparing documents, and other technical matters. Participants pay an individual contribution.

We look forward to receiving your applications!

If you have questions, feel free to write to: [email protected]


The "Sambation" Community

Please answer the questions in detail and thoroughly. If you have a resume (CV), a list of publications, your own page, online articles, please send them!

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Full Name ✪

Date of Birth (DD.MM.YYYY) ✪

Contact Information (address, phone, email, social networks, Skype) ✪

Places of Study (please specify, in addition to schools, colleges, universities, any courses, programs, etc.)


What are your interests and hobbies?

How do you see your connection to Jewish culture? What have you done or plan to do in the future in this field?

What have you read in Jewish literature? What areas of Jewish culture, religion, history, and art are you interested in?

What foreign languages do you speak? At what level? Which languages would you like to know or study? ✪

Have you participated in projects of the "Sambation" community? Which ones?

Do you have your own creative, research, or educational project related to Jewish culture? If not yet, what ideas do you have? Please write in detail.

Do you have any teaching experience? What kind?

Do you have documents under the "Law of Return"?