Oratorium leader, greetings! In the following points of the questionnaire, we invite you to fill it out and help ensure that the oratorium's consultation is tailored to your needs. Happy clicking!
Questionnaire results are publicly available

What role does the oratorium project play in your parish? How satisfied are you with it? How often do you meet, do you organize any other activities besides the oratorium?

EDUCATION FOR MEETING IN THE ANIMATOR GROUP / How is your animator group "breathing," what is the atmosphere like? (circle your answer)

I would add

EDUCATION FOR VOLUNTEERISM, RESPONSIBILITY: how do you motivate animators to work, to accept the responsibility of serving as an animator for others and for their own growth? (circle your answer)

I would add

EDUCATION FOR THE LONG-TERM SUSTAINABILITY OF THE ORATORIUM: How do you recruit new animators? How do you involve them in the group, what do you pay particular attention to?

I would add

COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING OF ANIMATORS - TRAINING OF ANIMATORS: How trained are your animators for animating work?

I would add

COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING OF ANIMATORS - ROLE MODELING: Where do your animators draw motivation for their animating work?

I would add