Survey of Discovery for the Call Center Industry - Remote. 4

Please enter your most commonly used KPI (Key Performance Indicators) for your call center in the box below..

  1. conversion rate
  2. Completion rate
  3. ASA, AHT, % within Service Level, Ahrinkage, Occupancy
  4. Calls presented, calls ABD, Agent ready mins, Agent Not Ready, Longest time waiting, Avg time waiting, avg call time by agent,HDI survey metrics
  5. average handle time abandon rate customer satisfaction
  6. Customer Satisfaction (post call and emailed based on CSR touching account), Adherence, First Contact Resolution, Service Level
  7. Calls per hour, Occupancy (% of day on the phone or waiting for a call), Quality Monitors
  8. FCR, AHT, Cost per Contact, Abandon Percentage, Occupancy, Conversion, ACW, ASA, ATT
  9. Service Level, Abandon rate, Gross Margin, Average Speed of Answer, Quality percentage
  10. CSAT - Company CSAT - Agent FCR CR Conversion RPC AHT Quality