Survey on Burnout Syndrome

Burnout syndrome, or energy depletion, is referred to as the disease of the 21st century, associated with the daily rush and stress. Burnout syndrome is a state of physical and mental exhaustion where a person's ability to work is depleted, and fatigue can no longer be ignored. The aim of the survey is to determine how relevant burnout syndrome currently is among those working in the tourism and hospitality industry. Thank you in advance!

Results are publicly available

My work emotionally drains me.

I find it hard to fall asleep because I constantly think about work matters.

In the morning, I feel tired and exhausted, even if I have slept well.

Working with people gives me emotional tension.

I feel that I am starting to treat clients rudely.

I handle problems at work calmly and cool-headedly.

My work provides positive emotions to people.

I feel free and at ease when working with people.

I effectively handle customer issues.

I feel appreciated at work.

My work brings me joy and satisfaction.

After a workday, I feel as if all my energy has vanished.

I find it easy to get irritated.

It is important to me that the work I do is done perfectly.

I have difficulty organizing my work tasks and hours.

I feel that I work too much and spend more time at work than necessary.

I am annoyed by people who do not do their work as well as I do.

I feel that my personal life suffers because I dedicate too much time to work.

I stay longer at work to complete my tasks.

I feel like I am able to accomplish less than before.

Because of work, I have had to give up some of my hobbies or favorite pastimes.

I feel that I am starting to distance myself from my colleagues (people).

I feel as if I have reached a dead end in my career.

I feel that I have personally experienced the symptoms of burnout syndrome.

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