Survey on cycling accidents.

In your opinion, what is the main cause of cyclists getting into an accident?

  1. not wearing safety gear
  2. no
  3. concentration and cyclist awareness
  4. fickleness and overspeed
  5. A
  6. yes
  7. overtake
  8. not paying attention to the surroundings
  9. they are not careful.
  10. cycling on the road and not seeing cars coming from behind.
  11. complacency and carelessness
  12. negligent
  13. because they're clumsy?
  14. not cycling on the designated bike paths.
  15. too fast
  16. they like to maneuver among people.
  17. riding the bike blindly.
  18. blindspots
  19. not adhering to traffic rules, for example, push your bikes while crossing the road.
  20. blind spots for motorists.