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ago more than 16y
Survey on raising a child
My purpose is to determine the experience and attitude of VU students towards physical and psychological violence as an educational method in raising a child.
Results are publicly available
How old are you?
You are:
You have already graduated from:
high school
Were you raised by at least one of your parents?
If yes, which of these punishments for children were used in your family?
Spanking a child with a belt
Making a child stand in the corner
Scolding a child
Forbidding to watch TV/use the computer
Punching a child
Kicking a child
Taunting a child
Grounding a child
Depriving a child of presents etc.
Locking a child in a dark, small space, e.g., a cubbyhole
Which of them do you think were the most effective?
Spanking a child with a belt
Making a child stand in the corner
Scolding a child
Forbidding watching TV/use the computer
Punching a child
Kicking a child
Taunting a child
Grounding a child
Depriving a child of presents, etc.
Locking a child in a dark, small space, e.g. cubbyhole
which of the punishments do you approve?
Spanking a child with a belt
Making a child stand in the corner
Scolding a child
Forbidding to watch TV/use the computer
Punching a child
Kicking a child
Taunting a child
Ground a child
Depriving a child of presents etc
Locking a child in a dark, small space, e.g. cubbyhole
which of the punishments you do not approve(think that they are not appropriate)?
Spanking a child with a belt
Making a child to stand in the corner
Scolding a child
Forbidding to watch TV/use the computer
Punching a child
Kicking a child
Taunting a child
Ground a child
Depriving a child of presents etc
Locking a child in a dark, small space, e.g. cubbyhole
Which of these punishments are you going to apply in upbringing your own child?
Spanking a child with a belt
Making a child stand in the corner
Scolding a child
Forbidding to watch TV/use the computer
Punching a child
Kicking a child
Taunting a child
Grounding a child
Depriving a child of presents etc
Locking a child in a dark, small space, e.g. cubbyhole