Survey on the use of a special folder

We are four students from Fontys International Business School in Venlo. As part of our studies, we need to conduct a survey in the subject SPSS. We would be very grateful if you could take two minutes to answer a few questions for us. Thank you in advance :)

Survey on the use of a special folder
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

What is your gender? ✪

How old are you? ✪

What is your profession? ✪

What is your highest educational qualification? ✪

Do you place a high value on order? ✪

Do you use a folder? ✪

Are you often on business trips? If yes, how often per year?

How much do you spend per month on office supplies? ✪

How much would you spend on the folder shown above? ✪

Would you buy the product at the price you mentioned? ✪

Do you like the current design? ✪

Where can you imagine using this product? ✪

Do you have any further suggestions or ideas for the product?