Survey: personal bracelet

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

we are a young mini-company from Fontys International Business School and need your help! We are conducting market research to gain a better overview of our ... Our product is a personal bracelet. It is made of leather, which ensures better stability. You can choose from various colors and personal engravings. Additionally, we offer you the option to attach different charms to it. This survey consists of 11 questions. It will take you a maximum of 5 minutes to answer them. Please answer the questions conscientiously.

What is your gender?

How old are you?

Are you interested in our personal bracelet?

Would you buy this accessory as a gift or rather for yourself?

How should the bracelet look?

What is your favorite color?

How much should the product cost at most?

How do you inform yourself about accessory trends?

Where do you buy your accessories?

What is important to you when you buy a product?

Would you also buy other personal accessories?

Create your questionnaireAnswer this form