Survey personalised bracelet

Dear sir or madam,

we are a young minicompany of the Fontys International Business School and we need your help! We want to audit a market research to get better information about our potential targetgroup. Our product is a personalised bracelet. It’s been made of leather, that’s more attractive for stability. You can choose different colors and you can engrave whatever you wish for. Another nice feature are the stickers you can put on it. This survey consists of 11 questions and will take 5 minutes only. Please remember to answer the questions conscientiously.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

What’s your gender?

What’s your age?

Are you interested in our personalised bracelets?

Would you buy this accessory as a gift or for yourself?

What would you like the bracelet to look like?

What is your favourite colour for the bracelet?

How much should the product cost?

How do you inform yourself about accessory trends? (Choose 2 options)

Where do you buy your accessories?

What is most important to you when you buy a bracelet?

Would you buy other personalised accessories?