Survey - Poster Advertising

Hello everyone who has agreed to help me with this market research. I would like to ask you a few questions regarding the topic of advertising. There are no right or wrong answers, just my personal curiosity about your opinions. I want to determine the significance of posters in our society today. Can advertising posters fulfill their role nowadays? I would like to ask you to answer honestly, as anonymity is certainly guaranteed.

I sincerely thank everyone for your time and understanding.

Cristina Guiman

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

How often do you notice advertisements in your daily life?

What type of advertising do you see most often per day?

Which of the following advertising options do you prefer?

How frequently do you notice posters on the street?

What type of posters appeals to you more?

How long does a poster advertisement stay in your memory?

What makes a poster memorable to you?

What is most important to you in a good poster?

Do you believe that a good poster can spark your curiosity about the product?

Do you think the interest in posters is enhanced by sex?

In your opinion, are most advertising posters offensive?

How do you view political posters?

Do you believe poster advertising has a future?

Which example appeals to you personally the most? ✪

Please justify your answer.
Which example appeals to you personally the most?

Which example do you consider more credible? ✪

Please justify your answer.
Which example do you consider more credible?

Which example do you think is better understood? ✪

Please justify your answer.
Which example do you think is better understood?

Which example would encourage you to buy the product? ✪

Please justify your answer.
Which example would encourage you to buy the product?

What age group are you in?

What is your gender?

What is your current occupation?