Survey regarding the awareness of ‘Bellissimo Primo chocolate’ & Za’ n Zee ‘Rock n roll’ Ice cream


Greetings from Kazi Food Industries Limited! We have two ice cream brands Bellissimo & Za 'n Zee. We are doing a survey to understand the awareness level of two of our recently launched products ‘Bellissimo Primo Chocolate’ and Za’ n Zee ‘Rock n Roll’ ice cream.

We can assure you that the privacy of your information will be strictly maintained. Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.

1. Do you know about Bellissimo Ice cream? (If your answer is ‘No’, please go to Question no- 8 directly)

2. Have you ever tried Bellissimo Ice cream?

3. If No, Why?

4. If yes, have you tried Bellissimo ‘Primo’ Ice cream?

5. Do you know that Bellissimo recently launched another variation of ‘Primo’ - ‘Primo chocolate’?

6. You came to know about Bellissimo Primo chocolate from: (You can select multiple answers)

7. Have you tried ‘Primo Chocolate Ice cream bar’ yet?

8. Do you know about Za’ n Zee Ice cream? (If your answer is ‘No’, please go to Question no- 15, 16 & 17 and finish the survey)

9. Have you ever tried Za’ n Zee Ice cream? (If your answer is ‘No’, please go to Question no- 10. If Yes, please go to Question no- 11 directly)

10. If No, Why?

11. If yes, do you know that Za’ n zee recently launched a new Ice cream ‘Rock n Roll’? (If your answer is ‘No’, please go to Question no- 15, 16 & 17 and finish the survey)

12. Do you know ‘Rock n Roll’ Ice cream has two flavour – one is Mango & Vanilla combo, and the other one is Vanilla & Strawberry combo? I know about ‘Rock n Roll’ but didn’t know that it has two flavour.

13. Have you tried ‘Rock n Roll’ ice cream? If yes, which flavour?

14. You came to know about ‘Rock n Roll’ ice cream from-

15. Your Age:

16. Your Gender:

17. Location:

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