Sustainable Communities Interview - Andra Ivanus


Please categorize your ecological lifestyle into a category:

What is the name of the household/neighborhood/community/NGO you are a part of?

    What is the date when the group was founded?

      What is the number of members in the group?

        What is the age of the youngest and what is the age of the oldest member of the group?

          What type of environment is the group located in?

          What is the approximate size of the property? (in m2 or ha)

            How far is the group’s property from the nearest locality or city? (in km)

              In what geographical area is the property located?

              How much of the energy consumed is produced by you and how much comes from the national distribution network?

                Which of these technologies are used by you?

                In what percentage do you fit when it comes to self-sustainability and own production?

                I will show you a series of opposing concepts. Please tell me where you think you fit. 1 is minimum, 6 is maximum

                What level of education do you have? Last school attended and field if applicable.

                  What is the average monthly income of the group and where does the earned money come from?

                    What is your religious orientation?

                      What kind of governance is applied in the group?

                      How are roles distributed within the group?

                        Are there educational programs for group members, volunteers, or other interested parties? What do they consist of?

                          Do you conduct religious activities in the group? If yes, in what form?

                          How was this group created?

                            What motivation did you have to join or create this group?

                              What do you think is emphasized the most in your group?

                              How do you believe your group helps and supports social innovation and social change, and what effects does it have on the outside?

                                Please rate from 1 - the lowest (failure), to 5 - the highest (success) the various activities and projects taking place in the group.

                                Briefly describe what the successes and failures listed above consisted of.

                                  What have been the most successful projects undertaken by your group? What did they consist of? Did they have a direct impact on society?

                                    What would you change in your group?

                                      Create your questionnaireAnswer this form