Teacher's evaluation questionnaire: Rima

Directions:  The statements below are designed to find out more about your work in class with Rima. Please answer all the statements

Rating scale from 1-5

1= totally disagree

3= neither agree nor disagree

5 = fully agree

If you believe you are not in a position to evaluate the statement, please mark n/a (not applicable)

NOTE Please remember that completing this form is voluntary

Results are available only to the author

Your group number ✪

How many modules have you completed to date? ✪

Your work with Rima ✪

1= totally disagree23= neither agree nor disagree45 = fully agreen/a
1. Rima makes class work interesting.
2. Rima asks questions and looks at my work to see if I understand what has been taught
3. We discuss and summarize each chapter we have just studied.
4. Rima maintains good learning atmosphere in our classroom.
5. Rima returns tasks after checking, as agreed.
6. Rima is competent and professional.
7. Rima is well organized.
8. Rima likes it when we ask questions.
9. I feel respected by my teacher Rima and by my colleagues.
10. The class work with Rima is structured.

Are there other important points we should consider? Please, give us more detailed feedback and/or comment