Teachers GERDA

It would make my learning even greater if we had less/more of: / if Gerda focused more/less on:

  1. I really admire Gerda's positive spirit and energy during classes, it is never boring with her, she shows us what it is like to listen and (try to) understand what a "real" Swede is saying even though sometimes it could be difficult to grasp. I am delighted to have her as a teacher because she encourages us to step further behind our comfort zone.
  2. Gerda is a great teacher but maybe sometimes she speaks too fast, so it is harder for us to understand her. Also, she is a very strong teacher. Lectures with her are really interesting, we would like to know more about what life is like in Sweden, her stories are very interesting to listen to.
  3. Gerda sometimes speaks too fast and uses vocabulary which sometimes seems too difficult for our level. She could also write certain answers in writing like the other two teachers do.
  4. Galėtų būti mažiau "public shaming" visos grupės atžvilgiu dėl nepakankamai aktyvaus dalyvavimo pamokose. Tikslas geras, bet pastovus spaudimas kelia įtampą grupėje ir kartais rezultatas gaunasi priešingas. Galbūt nepakankamo aktyvumo paskaitose problemą efektyviau būtų galima aptarti individualiai.