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ago about 3y
Teachers' work
Questionnaire results are available only to the author
Collaboration among teachers
There is no collaboration, and when the teacher changes, continuity is not felt
Collaborates poorly
Collaborates moderately - sometimes collaboration happens, sometimes actions are not coordinated
Collaborates well, although sometimes teachers do not coordinate their actions
Collaborates excellently
I have no opinion on this matter
Used electronic tools, channels, and programs
Each teacher uses different programs, and this creates a lot of confusion
Each teacher uses different programs, but this does not hinder the learning process at all.
All teachers use the same program, electronic channel, homework is submitted and checked in the same way
Training system
The training lacks a common system and coherent planning
Training is conducted systematically and consistently, but sometimes there is a lack of explanation as to why we are learning certain things
Training is conducted systematically and consistently, it is always clear why we are doing it
I have no opinion
In this training, I miss...
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