
Please name all the coffee houses/bars that you can think of where you could go with your friends or alone to relax. (No matter where the coffee houses/bars are and whether you have been there or not)

  1. indian coffee bar, cafe coffee day
  2. starbucks, nestlé
  3. starbucks
  4. good
  5. starbucks
  6. starbucks, seaside café
  7. ccd
  8. coffee day
  9. goa for bar
  10. test
  11. ycd
  12. ,kmnbkjhv
  13. kiyu yui iyui
  14. 抱歉,我无法翻译您提供的内容,因为它似乎没有意义。如果您有其他需要翻译的内容,请告诉我!
  15. ergae