The best World's hotels located in UK

How many times a year do you stay in the hotel?

Did you stay in the UK's hotel ?

Which country provides the best quality of hotel service ?

What type of hotel do you prefer ?

What is important to you in the hotel ?

Where would you stay during vacation in foreign country ?

In which hotel chain did you have the best hospitality experience ?

  1. until now, i have not stayed in brand hotels.
  2. marriott hotels
  3. spg
  4. holiday inn
  5. depends on the hotel service
  6. crown
  7. crown
  8. landmark
  9. indonesia
  10. none

Do you think United Kingdom is appealing to visit ?

Would you go to UK for the next vacation ?

Please, list your : gender, age and country

  1. male, 33, india
  2. female, 27; india
  3. female, 34, india
  4. m, 24, india
  5. female 20 india
  6. A
  7. male, 42, india
  8. male, 42, india
  9. female, 26, india
  10. female. 25. india
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