The "Death" game

The "Death" game is simply a kind of "tagging" game usually played in schools and universities. Its main goal is to get people who study together to know each other in a funny and easy way. Here are the rules: when you sign up for the game, you receive a name of the person you are supposed to '"tag". You start searching for information about your target (via facebook, friends). Once you have found your target, you simply "tag" him/her by grabbing their shoulder. The tagged person is out of the game and is obligated to give you the name of the person who he is searching for. The last man standing wins the game.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

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Would you like to participate in such kind of event?

Do you think this event will be popular?

What is the highest price you would pay for this kind of event?

Do you think this game should include some kind of "weapons"? If yes, what kind?