Dear research participant,

I am a master's student in Human Resource Management at Vilnius University. I am writing my master's thesis, which aims to investigate how managerial coaching skills affect team performance effectiveness by determining how team learning and team psychological empowerment influence this relationship. For the research, I have chosen teams whose work is project-based, and therefore I invite employees working in project teams to participate in my master's thesis research. Completing the research questionnaire will take you up to 20 minutes. There are no right answers in the questionnaire, so please base your evaluations on your work experience.

Your participation is very important, as this research is the first of its kind in Lithuania, examining the impact of managerial coaching skills on project teams in relation to learning and empowerment.

This research is being conducted during the master's program at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Vilnius University.

As a token of appreciation for your contribution, I will gladly share the summarized research results with you. At the end of the questionnaire, there is a section for you to enter your email address.

I assure you that all respondents are guaranteed anonymity and confidentiality. All data will be presented in aggregated form, in which it will not be possible to identify any specific individual who participated in the research. Each respondent can fill out the questionnaire only once. If you have any questions related to this questionnaire, please contact me at this email: [email protected]

What is project team activity?

It is a temporary activity undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Project teams are characterized by a temporary group union consisting of 2 or more members, uniqueness, complexity, dynamism, the requirements they face, and the context in which they encounter these requirements.

Do you work in a team while executing projects?

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