the impact of Research and Development on the quality and productivity inside Saudi organizations - copy

In The Name Of Allah Most Merciful Most Gracious

This questionnaire is designed to know the impact of Research and Development on the quality and productivity inside Saudi organizations. It would help in identifying the different factors that either leaves positive and negative impact on organization performance. The research on R&D role helps in improvising the quality and productivity of firms especially in case of Saudi Arabia. However, your participation would add value to the research and it also clarifies certain views to the research.

Kindly, fill out the questionnaire after reading each statement carefully and then mark (√) the right place, this information will be confidentiality and will only be used for the purposes of scientific research. The provided information will not use other than specified and confidentiality holds.

Feel free for detail or any query.

The researcher,

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Size of firm by number of employees

Sector of activity

Please specify your opinion according to your preference and experience.

Strongly agreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly DisagreeN/A
Top Management should adopt Research and development Center to be a leader for optimization in the future
Top Management should support the research and development with open budget
Top Management should support the research and development with limited budget
Top Management should depend on the research and development to achieve strategies and expansions or downsizing
Top management should use the collected data by Research and development as a guide for its decisions
Organization could depend on Research & Development to improve marketing
Research and Development could affect marketing positively
Research and Development could affect sales positively
Research and Development would help to compare with competitors in prices
Research and Development could affect positively on training compared to competitors
Research and development should affect positively to match the requirements
Research and Development should affect on manpower generally comparing to competitors
Research and development would improve work environment for organization’s employees
Research and development would make cost reduction for the organization
Research and Development would make a difference in the cost of productivity
Research and development provide prompt revenue
Research and development covers cost once start generating revenue
Research and development could affect positively on the operation & productivity
Research and development could make cost reduction on the process (such as reducing raw materials, spare parts, PM, etc.)
Research and development should use KPI and benchmarking to improve the productivity compared to competitors
Research and development should affect technical people to optimize their skills professionally
Research and Development could affect positively on the quality compared to competitors
Research and Development should optimize Specifications of input materials compared to competitors
Research and Development should consider customer satisfaction on product compared to competitors
Research and development positively impacts on the environment
Research and development improves the quality of life

Is your company (organization) interested in introducing research and development?

2. For what purpose is research and development introduced in your organization? Indicate the relevance of each objective: 1=none; 5=very

Motivating personnel
Monitoring activities in progress in terms of time and costs
Increasing projects’ profitability
For investment projects and finding new areas
Improving effectiveness
Improving communication and coordination
Reducing uncertainty / risk level
Stimulating learning

3. Which dimensions of performance of Research and Development do you prefer or measure? (Indicate the relevance of each dimension: 1=none; 5=very high)

Financial performance
Market Orientation
Efficiency of the R&D processes
Innovation capability