The impact to culture of handmade product in Hong Kong

This survey aims at investigating whether the Hong Kong Government has given enough support to handmade market. Your valuable opinion is inevitable and it would be appreciated for you to spare a few minutes to fill in the questionnaire. Collected data will only be used for academic purpose and will be kept confidential.

For those questions which are indicated with "#", more than one answer can be selected.

1. Gender

2. Age

3. Occupation



    4. Have you ever participated in any activities which are associated with handmade culture?

    # 5. What activities have you participated in?


      # 6. Through what channels did you join/learn the activities?


        7. Do you think the support towards handmade culture is sufficient in Hong Kong?

        8. Which country does the best in the development of handmade culture?


          9. Does the Hong Kong Government need to put more effort in developing handmade culture?

          # 10. The reasons are:


            # 11. The reasons are:

            # 12. How can handmade culture be promoted?


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