The quality and importance of catering services for "Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva" guests

Dear respondent,

This research is made to prepare the bachelor work. The survey is designed to determine the quality and importance of catering services for "Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva" guests. Based on the results, we will draw conclusions:

· whether the hotel can distinguish the breakfast price from room rates;

· is it worth making special offers for lunch and dinner for hotel guests;

· how to attract more visitors from the street.

Thank You for the answers!!!

1. Have You visited other hotels' restaurants?

2. If You have visited the other hotel restaurants, consider the quality of the food service: 1 – very bad; 10 – very good

3. Have You had breakfast at the restaurant Riverside during Your visit to the hotel?

4. How would you rate the quality of SUPER BREAKFAST? 1 – very bad; 10 – very good

5. What amount of money would you evaluate the breakfast?

6. Why would You pay a specified amount?

7. Would You like to be offered a separate price for accommodation and a separate price for catering services?

8. Which meal is the most important to You during the stay in the hotel?

9. Are you having lunch at the hotel restaurant "Riverside"?

10. Why didn’t You have lunch in the restaurant "Riverside"?

11. Would You have lunch for the special price?

12. In which way did You eat?

13. Would You like to see more Lithuanian traditional dishes in the menu?

14. What determines Your decision to eat lunch in the hotel?

15. How would You rate the price and quality of food in the restaurant "Riverside"?

16. The country You came from?


    17. Your age

    18. What is the purpose of Your visit?

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