The role of national identity while living abroad: case study of Lithuanian students in Birmingham

Dear participant, I am a final year Lithuanian student at the University of Birmingham doing research on the national identity role of Lithuanian and Polish students in Birmingham. I would like you to help me by filling out the questionnaire with honest answers. Also, I can assure you of the confidentiality of your answers, so feel free to say what you want. If you wouldn't mind me contacting you after analyzing questionnaires for an interview, please provide me with your details. Many thanks for your cooperation!
Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Your gender is: ✪

Why did you decide to move to Birmingham? ✪

Which social class do you come from? ✪

Do you consider that money issues limit your integration to a better social life in Britain? ✪

How often do you communicate with your family and friends from Lithuania? ✪

Has your attitude towards Lithuania and Lithuanians changed since you moved to Britain? ✪

If yes, please indicate how it has changed:

Most of all in Birmingham you communicate with: ✪

Please evaluate how strong you feel about the statements (5 max to 1 min) ✪

I am close to Lithuania
I am proud of being Lithuanian
Lithuanian identity is part of my personal identity
I feel proud when Lithuanians achieve good results in sports etc
I consider the Lithuanian language an important element of Lithuanian culture

Do you follow the news and events in Lithuania on the Internet? ✪

Please define in your own words the importance of Lithuanian identity to you:

What emotions and thoughts does this picture provoke in you? ✪

What emotions and thoughts does this picture provoke in you?

Does this picture provoke any contradictions in you? How do you feel about ethnicity and Lithuanians? ✪

Does this picture provoke any contradictions in you? How do you feel about ethnicity and Lithuanians?

Could you please identify the biggest differences between Lithuanians and British?

What do you consider the most significant barrier to integrating into Britain? ✪

Do you go to Lithuanian shops in Birmingham? ✪

How satisfied do you feel about your life in Birmingham? ✪

What is it that you miss most about Lithuania? ✪

Do you prefer Lithuanian food over British? ✪

Do you consider British and Lithuanian values similar? Please specify your answer. ✪

How do you feel about people from other cultural backgrounds in Birmingham (Muslims, Asians etc)?

Would you like to add any comments related to the topic?

Could you please provide me with your personal contacts (e-mail or mobile number) if you don't mind me contacting you for personal interviews?