The Sims Community Communication on Twitter

Is there anything you would like to add/ comment regarding this topic?

  1. I absolutely love the sims and the community!
  2. As far as gaining popularity for the game, I think what has worked the best is word of mouth, people sharing the game with friends and spouses and such.
  3. No.
  4. Not really.
  5. The sims 4 community has to be the best for gaming that I’ve ever seen.
  6. Facebook's sims community appears to be much nicer and healthier than twitters and I find that very interesting. I have had 0 issues on Facebook unlike on twitter.
  7. No
  8. No
  9. Well overall its good that those “groups” “Communities” exists, it could be very helpful for begginers of the game and also the people that play a lot could learn something new or get new creative ideas
  10. No