The Sims Community Communication on Twitter

Have you ever had glitches in your game? Have you ever shared about these glitches to others? Friend/ family circle? Social Media Platforms?

  1. Yes, I have experienced glitches in my game especially since I play on console. If it's a funny glitch I'll share it with my friends via snapchat. It's its more serious, I'll ask other people I know that play if they are experiencing the same.
  2. Yes
  3. I've definitely had glitches and I have shared my frustration mostly to friends and family. I use the social media platforms to research issues and possible work around for the glitches.
  4. Nope.
  5. Yes
  6. Yes and no I dont share
  7. Yes sometimes, I usually tell my friends
  8. So many glitches, currently they won't stop making de-stress concoctions on the grills and every grill in all the parks has circles of these on the ground. There's also the T pose on the surgery table at the hospital, before it was constantly baking white cakes. I have shared the stress concoctions with my husband and shared in a SIMS groups on Facebook.
  9. No one I know plays sims, I’ll share some of the funny glitches with my husband but normally just keep to myself.
  10. Yes, though I've been lucky to not have had some of the more detrimental glitches others have experienced, so my game has never been unplayable, just annoying at times.