The Sims Community Communication on Twitter

Have you ever had glitches in your game? Have you ever shared about these glitches to others? Friend/ family circle? Social Media Platforms?

  1. only reddit.
  2. yes, on reddit.
  3. yes, usually on reddit.
  4. yes and no, i don't share.
  5. yes and yes. usually facebook or twitter.
  6. have had glitches, didn't share.
  7. i've had glitches, have not shared.
  8. i have. i haven't shared it anywhere.
  9. i usually only talk about bugs in sims discord servers.
  10. yes, glitches. share with my family members. not shared on social media.
  11. yes, and again a lot of hate, but more came to help; it was on facebook.
  12. i have seen some of the glitches in general; if i remember correctly, they were shared on social media.
  13. whenever i find a glitch, i just laugh at it for a few minutes and then forget about it.
  14. yes. i shared most of my glitches on reddit.
  15. yes. i have shared them on reddit before.
  16. i have had glitches but have never shared them with others.
  17. i have, and yes usually through polls or liking posts that have similar issues.
  18. many glitches, and yes. my game is actually currently broken after the new update.
  19. i have heard of them but have not used them/shared them.
  20. yeah, i think we all have had glitches at some point. i talk occasionally on social media about them.
  21. yes. i didn't share them; i read about similar things on social media platforms, and it was helpful.
  22. yes! often, when something strange happens, i turn to social media to see if someone else has had the same problem.
  23. yes and yes. obviously got involved with the chats after the wedding pack - if you know, you know lol.
  24. from time to time there's a glitch, but i usually just restart the game and it's solved. no need to share it with others.
  25. i have not had any glitches in my game in the seven years of playing; however, other people have and share these on twitter or facebook.
  26. yes, i definitely had, but glitches could come from the laptop i have been using, not the game itself.
  27. only always. i share some on social media if they're funny and i get a picture of it.
  28. yes. my sims are carrying trash bags everywhere. no, i haven't shared, but i googled and found fixes.
  29. yes, sometimes i usually tell my friends.
  30. yes, my game glitches; however, i have not mentioned this to anyone.
  31. yes.
  32. yes. i haven't shared about them, but i do read forums about people who have similar problems to see how they solved them. i wouldn't comment, though.
  33. not in the sims 4. i experienced glitches more often in the sims 3 and i would share online looking for help.
  34. yes, although i've been fortunate not to have encountered some of the more harmful glitches that others have faced, so my game has never been unplayable, just annoying at times.
  35. no one i know plays sims; i’ll share some of the funny glitches with my husband, but normally i just keep to myself.
  36. yes, and i have used social media to try to find bug fixes and other methods of addressing these glitches. this has been mostly effective.
  37. yes, i have experienced glitches in my game, especially since i play on console. if it's a funny glitch, i'll share it with my friends via snapchat. if it's more serious, i'll ask other people i know who play if they are experiencing the same.
  38. i've definitely experienced glitches and i have shared my frustration mostly with friends and family. i use social media platforms to research issues and possible workarounds for the glitches.
  39. so many bugs and glitches. i rarely share personally because other people are having the same issues, and i don't want to be a repeat poster, but i've been in many comment threads commiserating and troubleshooting.
  40. so many glitches, currently they won't stop making de-stress concoctions on the grills and every grill in all the parks has circles of these on the ground. there's also the t pose on the surgery table at the hospital, before it was constantly baking white cakes. i have shared the stress concoctions with my husband and shared in a sims groups on facebook.
  41. i've experienced glitches but haven't shared them.
  42. i have had glitches in the game. i don’t share about it online. i would only speak to people in person when talking about the game.
  43. yes, i have had glitches, but i haven’t complained on social media. i have complained to my boyfriend and family.
  44. yes, i have experienced some glitches, but i haven't shared about them because they have been related to gameplay, and i don't really play the sims for its gameplay. i like to create sims and build things, and those have not given me any glitches at all.
  45. i have experienced glitches in my game, the most upsetting being that after an update, my game history tends to get erased. i messaged sims 4 on social media, but i didn't post about it.
  46. no
  47. yes
  48. yes
  49. nope.
  50. yes
  51. yes
  52. no
  53. no
  54. no