The Survey about the fitness centers in the Netherlands - copy - copy
The relationship between Customer satisfaction & customer loyalty
The questionnaire first starts with an introduction and a supplementary Part A where you are kindly asked to provide some general demographic details about yourself; this is for the pure purpose of categorizing the participants by age, gender, marital status, education and income level. Then, Part B shows the principal content of this questionnaire, containing statements regarding to your perceptions of the fitness centre’s service quality, satisfaction, and loyalty to the centre. There are 30 statements totally, for which only ONE answer (or ranks from 1 to 5) is required. Overall, the questionnaire will take only 5 minutes to complete but the data it provides is precious and indispensable for the success of my research.
Regarding the confidentiality issue, please be assured that your answers will be kept in security and destroyed after the research is marked; the findings will only be shown to the school’s marking board, and this research is for solely academic purpose. By no means will your identity be revealed or recognized, as answers will be numbered randomly (Participant 1, 2, 3 …). At any time you have the rights to stop this questionnaire.