The survey of factors affecting the customer loyalty in airline industry

I am Roy Pang who is studying in Aviation Management program (Coventry University). I am now doing my final year project, and I need your help to collect data about factors affecting the customer loyalty in airline industry. It needs about 5-10 minutes to answer. The data will only be used for this project and disposed of when the project is done. Thank you very much.
Questionnaire results are publicly available

1) What is your gender? ✪

2) How old are you? How old are you this year? ✪

3) What is your marital status? What is your marital status? ✪

4) What is your occupation? What do you do? ✪

5) How much is the monthly income? What is the average monthly income? ✪

6) How many times did you travel by plane in 2013? ✪

7) Did you choose the same airline each time? Did you choose the same airline each time? ✪

If yes, Answer Q8/ If no, Answer Q9. If yes, please answer question 8, if no, please answer question 9.

8) What factor(s) attract you to choose the same airline? What factors make you choose to fly with the same airline?

You may choose no more than 3 items. Please do not select more than 3 items.

9) How many times you choose a same airline consistently in 2013? How many times did you consistently choose the same airline during 2013? ✪

10) What factor(s) will you consider when choosing airline? What criteria will you use when selecting an airline? ✪

You may choose no more than 3 items. Please do not select more than 3 options.

11) Have you ever joined the ‘Frequency Flyer Program’? ✪

If yes, Answer Q12/ If no, Answer Q13.

12) Is it worth to continue joining this program? Do you think this program is worth participating in?

Reading the following statements and answer the questions. Please read the following sentences carefully and then answer the questions. ✪

1= totally disagree /完全不同意 2= strongly disagree /強烈不同意 3= neutral /無意見 4= strongly agree /強烈同意 5= totally agree /完全同意
13. You will feel proud if you support or choose a particular airline for a long period of time. You will feel proud if you support or choose a particular airline for a long period of time.
14. The public image of the airline will affect you to choose the airline. You will consider the public image of the airline when choosing one.
15. Family and friends’ opinion and choice will affect you to make decision of choosing an airline. Family and friends' opinions and choices will influence your decision on which airline to choose.

16) Do you think advertisements can strongly affect you to make decision of choosing an airline? ✪

17) What is/ are the effective media channel(s) to attract you to know more the airline and then choosing it? What media can attract you to learn more about an airline and then choose it? ✪

You may choose no more than 2 items. Please do not select more than 2 items.