This survey is intended exclusively for research purposes as well as for the academic advancement of students at the Faculty of Law of the University of Pristina. Participation is voluntary.

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

Do you think Kosovo needs a presidential system (the American system) or a parliamentary system (the current system of governance)? Clarification: The Presidential System means, among other things, that the President is elected directly by the people and has quite significant executive powers.

Do you think Kosovo needs a majoritarian electoral system for parliamentary elections (the English, American system, etc.)? Clarification: The majoritarian system means that elections are held through representative votes. In this regard, a two-party system will be developed in the country (as in most developed countries). This otherwise means that it is almost impossible for the country to experience political deadlocks solely due to the formation of institutions after parliamentary elections.

Do you think the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo needs the Badinter system (double majority) as well as guaranteed seats for minorities? Clarification: Guaranteed seats mean that regardless of the outcome of the parliamentary elections, there are 20 guaranteed seats in the Assembly of Kosovo for deputies from minority groups. Meanwhile, the double majority of Badinter means that the Assembly of Kosovo cannot draft any significant law without being voted on by 2/3 of the votes from deputies of minority groups (even if it is voted on by 2/3 of other deputies). For example, the Law on the Kosovo Army, even if it is voted on by 81 deputies (thus 2/3) of the total number of deputies, is not approved if it is not voted on by 14 deputies (2/3) from minority groups.

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