
A questionnaire about tourism.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

1. You are?

2. Your age?

3. In your opinion, what is the best season to travel?

4. Why do you think people choose to travel? ✪

5. How important are the following?

I don't know
Not important
Moderately important
Very important
Doing some research about the countries' superstitions before going there?
Learning a few words of that country's language?
Finding out what weather conditions are most common in the country?
Researching what the national foods are that you might want to try?
Knowing the country's currency?
Knowing the prices of accommodation?

6. What would be the factors that determine the choice of visiting a specific country?

7. How long would your vacation be?

8. What country(-ies) would you wish to visit in the next 6 months? Why?

9. Which means of transport do you prefer more while traveling?

10. How important to you are the following?

I don't know
Not important
Moderately important
Very important
To spend some time in nature?
To go to a local festival, to see how people celebrate them?
To visit all (or some) of the country’s cultural heritage?
To try out local cuisine?

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