Travel Safe

What personal attributes does your son/daughter have that will enhance their travelling experience?

  1. Awareness of strangers. Confidence of travelling.How to get support, planning and organising. Communication with friends and family.
  2. Quick thinker, used to travelling and would be able to find /ask for help. Good communicator
  3. Good common sense
  4. Bright intelligent common sense and great independence
  5. Curiousity, cautiousness, friendliness, situational awareness, judgement, responsibility, “what would mum or dad want me to think or do”
  6. Sociable, adventurous, like to make friends, inquisitive
  7. Enthusiasm, communication skills, ability to read maps
  8. Bravery, independence, curiosity
  9. Ability to talk to anyone (albeit very limited foreign languages). Sense of humour.
  10. confidence, logical, kind and pragmatic