Travel Safe

What are your main concerns as a parent? E.g safety, Covid, well being

  1. Safety and well-being mainly
  2. Safety and well being.
  3. Safety
  4. Well being keeping themselves alert to danger around them using common sense looking out for people they are travelling with not to be too trusting
  5. Covid and lack of access to health care in other countries; Covid deniers and unvaccinated people; lack of access to proper sanitation; travel delays due to Covid or testing requirements. It also depends on where they are going. What does “travel king” mean? One specific destination to stay with family or friends in a safe environment, or backpacking around for weeks staying in hostels, etc.?
  6. Safety, Loneliness, mental well being
  7. Being able to communicate
  8. Getting into trouble abroad
  9. Uncertain places, Dodgy people, Access to drugs,
  10. General vulnerability of being on own