Travel Safe

When packing for the trip, what essentials would you ensure your child had to make sure they were fully equipped?

  1. Rape alarm or planner/ travel book. Phone and access to cash.
  2. First aid kit Battery block Rough guide to wherever they are going Contact numbers
  3. Emergency rations of food and drink. Wash bag Spare pants Torch Spare batteries
  4. Depends where they were going
  5. Good travel backpack and duffel, quick dry versatile clothing, good walking shoes & socks, thoughtful toiletries, sunglasses, hat, sun protective clothing, money, water bottle, travel guides, personal contacts when possible.
  6. Emergency / back up phone, money cards, money / phone belt for under clothing/ local emergency phone numbers/ medical kit , cap/hat gloves, water bottle sleeping bag
  7. First aid/ medicines, access to emergency cash
  8. Rape alarm. First aid kit, knife, torch, money safety purse worn on body
  9. Maps, accommodation booked, currency in a convenient format, good sleeping bag, compact tent,
  10. Money/ card phone / tablet coms plan