Urban Consumer Perception Regarding Furniture Purchase

The survey is being conducted to understand urban consumers' perspectives when making a furniture purchase decision.

What is your first name?



    Which age group do you belong to?

    Which urban area do you belong to?

    How long have you been living in your current urban area?


      Have you had any experience with furniture purchase?

      What major furniture have you ever bought? (You can choose more than one option)

      Do you always consider different brands when you buy furniture?

      Please rank the following factors according to your views as a dweller of urban areas or as someone who has migrated to an urban area. If you provide 1 to any factor, it will show the least value of that factor, and 10 for the highest value.

      Do you require a lot of time spent when you think of buying furniture?

      Rank the following factors' considerations on ten about making a purchase decision for furniture

      Rank the negative factors about furniture on 5 that make you resentful and also make you less interested in buying furniture

      Create your questionnaireAnswer this form