Use of fluoridated toothpaste and its impact on human oral health - copy

Fluoride is naturally found in water, plants, soil, rocks, and air. Fluoride is a mineral in your teeth and bones. It is commonly used in dentistry because fluoride is a great scientific source for strengthening tooth enamel and protecting teeth against decay. Fluoride mainly slows down the acid production of bacteria caused by plaque and protects teeth against the process of demineralization. This occurs when bacteria combine with sugars to create acid that erodes the tooth. Good oral hygiene is highly recommended, as it can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and gum diseases, and can help to keep your teeth as you age. Toothpaste is an important part of good oral hygiene with various options available, which can make it hard to know which one is the correct choice. Many toothpastes contain fluoride; this questionnaire assesses people’s knowledge about fluoridated toothpastes and their impact, as well as the importance of their choice when buying toothpaste.

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

What is your gender?

What is your age?

What is your highest level of education?

What is your occupation?

Number of times do you brush your teeth per day?

Do you use toothpaste?

What attracts you to the toothpaste that you choose?

What are your preferences regarding ingredients present in your toothpaste?

What is the effect of fluoride in toothpaste?

Do you know it is important to use fluoridated toothpaste?

What is most important to avoid cavities?

Have you had any toothpaste instruction?

Do you know the mechanism behind loose teeth/gum disease?

Do you know how to avoid loose teeth/gum disease?

Do you know the mechanism behind cavities?

Do you have difficulties chewing food due to problems in your mouth?

Do you have headaches due to problems in your teeth/mouth?

Have you ever felt bad or been ashamed of your mouth?

Fluoride toothpaste?

Fluoride in toothpaste has which of the following actions?