Use of hydrogen in the automotive industry (English version)

Rising petrol prices and diminishing oil supplies may drive motorists to demand alternative forms of fuel – such as hydrogen. 11 questions to ensure that society knows enough about it.

Have you ever heard something about hydrogen as an alternative form of fuel?

If you have heard or, if not, guess what it is used for?

Do you have a driving license?

Do you think there is enough information for ordinary people to get acquainted with this new technology?

Do you think hydrogen has been used practically until now or is it just a flight of fantasy?

Is it possible that hydrogen will replace petrol, diesel, and natural gas in the near future?

What would be the advantages of using hydrogen instead of former fuels?

What does a vehicle with a hydrogen engine emit into the atmosphere?

What does hydrogen need in addition to be efficient?

What is the main disadvantage of the new technology?

What is hydrogen?

How old are you?

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