User Experience Survey

The questionnaire has been created within the framework of the thesis that aims to analyze and compare three different Estonian crowd funding platforms.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

Which platform is used for comparison?

Is the service safe to use?

Is operating on the website logic?

Does the page provide all the necessary information of the process?

Does the platform offer high quality and prompt customer support?

Is investing / lending risk sufficiently and clearly formulated? (IsePankur and Omaraha) / Is the process easy to understand? (Hooandja)

Is the service usable in smart phones, iPads etc.?

Is the platform design at sufficient level to generate positive user experience?

Is it easy for a foreigner to use the platform?

Will you use this service again?

Would you recommend the service to others?

How does page functionality effect user experience?

Please describe your positive / negative experience with the platform! What would you like to change?

