Author: rugile.sadauskaite

Investigating Job Crafting: the Relationship between Promotion-Oriented Job Crafting, Perceived Opportunity to Craft, Transformational Leadership and Coworker Support
Vilnius University engages in a wide range of research that seeks to provide a greater understanding of the world around us, contribute to improved human health and well-being, and provide answers to social, economic, and environmental problems. I am Rugile Sadauskaite, a final year MSc Organizational Psychology student at Vilnius University. I would like to invite you to take part in a research project which involves completing an anonymous online survey. Before you decide to take part it is important for you to understand why the research is being carried out and what it will involve.We will in the course of this project be collecting personal information. Under General Data Protection Regulation 2016, we are required to provide a justification (what is called a “legal basis”) in order to collect such information. The legal basis for this project is “task carried out in the public interest”.  What is the purpose of the study?This study aims to explore the relationships between the perceived opportunity to craft at work, coworker support, a leader's transformational leadership tendencies, and job crafting. It examines how social organizational factors such as coworker support and transformational leadership dimensions impact employees' perceived opportunity to craft and promotion-oriented crafting behavior at work.  Why have I been invited to take part?You have received this invitation because you are over 18 years old and the study requires both male and female participants who are currently employed. What will happen if I agree to take part?If you agree to take part you will be asked to complete a four-part online questionnaire. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. Do I have to take part?No. It is up to you to decide whether or not you want to take part in this study. Please take your time to decide.By submitting the survey, you are providing consent for the data you have given to be used in the study. Are there any risks for me if I take part?The research is not anticipated to have any potential risks associated with taking part in it.  What will you do with my data?The data you submit will be treated confidentially at all times. No personal identifiable information will be obtained during or as part of the study. Your answers will be completely anonymous.  The research is being carried out as part of a MSc project at Vilnius University and the results will be presented in the form of a dissertation which should be completed by no later than 30/05/2023. We may submit all or part of this research for publication to academic and/or professional journals and present this research at conferences.  The data will be accessible to the research team only.