Utilization of social media in building brand awareness of a small enterprise

My name is Maneet Rajpal, a fourth year student of Management studies at klaipeda university. My bachelor thesis topic is "Utilization of social media in building brand awareness of a small enterprise ". I am inviting you to take participate in this research by filling the following survey.

this survey will be used for academic purposes only by maintaining the confidentially of respondents.this survey consists of 20 questions which will take only 10 to 15 minutes to answer.


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1. What is your gender?

2. How old are you?

3. You are...?



    4. your Education level?



      5. How Often do you use social media?

      6. Which social media platforms do you use mostly? ( choose all the you use )

      7. How much time in a day do you spend on social media?



        8. Do you follow any small business on any social media platform?

        9. Does online promotion by small business attract your attention?

        10. How often have you shared the small business promotions with you family and friends?

        11. which social media you think is best for small businesses to do their brand promotion or build more brand awareness?

        12. what do you think which type of factors are much important for small businesses while utilizing social media to attract more brand awareness?

        13. Do you think social media helps small business to build brand awareness ?

        14. In your opinion, which is the best way to find out about new restaurants near by ?

        15. Do you think small business can capture enough brand awareness through social media marketing?

        16. What are your reasons for using social media?



          17. How often you have been interested in a brand after seeing it on a social media posts or reviews?

          18. what type of the content posted by small business appeals to you the most



            19. What kind of content or promotion style would call your attention the most towards a brand on social media ?



              20. Which attributes of a food/restaurant brand are the most important to you?

              Other option

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