Virtual technology for use in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) - questionnaire for experts

Dear educator,
the expected effect of the use of interactive technologies in educational institutions is, first of all, the active involvement of students in the learning process, planning by students of their own learning process and, as a result, better assimilation of educational material. Can you confirm these claims or not? Has your own needs analysis led to similar conclusions? Or do you have a completely different view of these things?
Please share your opinion and experience of using interactive technologies in education.

Virtual technology for use in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) - questionnaire for experts
This poll is inactive

1. I work in:

2.The course is well-structured.

2.1. Your comments please if you'd like to comment


    3. The exercises are interesting.

    3.1. Your comments please if you'd like to comment


      4. The material looks attractive.

      4.1. Your comments please if you'd like to comment


        5. The level of difficulty is consistent.

        5.1. Your comments please if you'd like to comment


          6. The material is at a level suitable for use in my organization.

          7. I will incorporate at least some of this material in my own courses.

          8. I will provide my students with links to this material as additional recommended course material.

          9. BIM was well-integrated into the study material.

          10. Are there any topics you would omit? - please name


            11. Are there any topics you wish had been included? - please name


              12. Would you recommend this material to your colleagues? Please explain.


                Do you have any suggestions for us about how to improve the material?


                  What other recommendations can you give us as we develop our course. And what should we avoid?

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