Vision Quality Evaluation Questionnaire

Hello colleagues,

I ask for your help with the scientific work being conducted.

Your answers are very important and useful to me.

Thank you

Vision Quality Evaluation Questionnaire
Questionnaire results are publicly available


Which course are you studying in?

How old are you?

1. How many average hours per week do you dedicate to studying (reading)?

2. What method do you most often choose for studying?

3. Evaluate the lighting in your environment where you study

4. Are you satisfied with your vision quality?

5. When did you notice that your vision has worsened?

6. Do you wear glasses/contact lenses?

7. When was the last time you checked your visual acuity?

8. How has your visual acuity changed since you acquired glasses/contact lenses?

9. Do you often feel eye fatigue while studying?

10. Are you satisfied with your current vision correction?

11. Do you take any supplements/vitamins for your eyes?

12. Have you heard about these vision disorders, their prevention, and treatment?