Visual Informatics: FIT VUT 2016

Dear friends,

thank you for taking five minutes of your time and for your willingness to complete this survey.
I would appreciate it if you could tell me what you think of the subject, what you liked and didn't like, what problems you faced during the semester, or what you would like to change or improve.

  • There are a total of ten survey questions. Your answers are anonymous.
  • For questions 1–5, please respond with grades as in school (A to F).
  • For questions 6–9, select the answer you most identify with.
  • At the end, you have the opportunity to add your own comments.

You can view the ongoing anonymous results of the survey at

Thank you once again!

– ts

1. Interest in the subject

2. Usefulness of the subject

3. Professionalism of the teaching

4. Understandability of the teaching

5. Difficulty of completion

6. Focus of the subject

7. Artistic workshop

8. E-learning support

9. Would I recommend the VIN subject to other students at FIT?

10. Do I want to add anything to the teaching?

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