Vocabulary acquisition in young learners

As a former Comenius language assistant in Ireland, Tralee Educate Together N. S. and currently a student of Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, I am writing a thesis about vocabulary acquisition in young learners. I would like to collect some more data to make a clearer picture of how the language support works in other schools or other English-speaking countries. Everybody's firsthand experience opinion will be very valuable to me, either if it is a teacher's, trainee teacher's, or parent's one.
Vocabulary acquisition in young learners

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I have firsthand experience with teaching English as a second/foreign language

Please choose the answer which best describes your attitude towards the following statements

If you have firsthand experience with TEFL, please answer which methods you use/used when teaching new vocabulary to EFL students

Please mark the following aspects/characteristics according to usefulness or importance when teaching English to young learners

Do you use or know anything about frequency word lists such as Dolch or Thorndike's list? What do you like/dislike most about them? How do you use them?

    Do you use or know anything about graded reader's books? What do you like/dislike most about them? How do you use them?

    Do you use or know anything about graded reader's books? What do you like/dislike most about them? How do you use them?

      Please write the full name of the country you teach English/your child learns English in

      Please write the full name of the country you teach English/your child learns English in

        I am a...

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