Voice Scale - Lic. Micaela Mendez

The following statements relate to voice care habits. There are no right or wrong answers.

Please mark with a cross the answer that corresponds to your usual speaking-voice behavior in the last 15 days.

Please complete:

Age:        Sex:                     Occupation:                                Email: (optional)


I stay in environments with cold ventilation or heating

I am exposed to temperature changes

I stay in environments with smog, dust, poorly ventilated

I speak with an improper posture, with my body misaligned

I use my voice a lot even when I have a cold, congestion, or am sick

I take medication that irritates, dries out, or affects my throat

I drink less than one liter of water per day

I eat spicy foods that give me acidity or digestive problems

I eat quickly without properly chewing my food

I have an intense and active social life

I live feeling anxious and/or nervous and suffer from stress

I sleep little and/or with interrupted sleep

I have extreme moods that affect and modify my voice

I consume alcoholic beverages

I consume drugs

I smoke and/or live or work in a smoking environment

I sleep with my teeth clenched and wake up with discomfort or pain

I participate in religious groups that use the voice

I speak with effort or have to strain to get my voice out

I often clear my throat, clear my voice, or cough

I yell or raise my voice to call others from a distance

I yell when I get angry or argue

I attend stadiums or concerts where I shout and cheer for the team or group

I talk while doing physical efforts or lifting heavy objects

When I start to speak, I forcefully launch the words

I speak loudly, at a high volume (high intensity)

I speak at a very low volume or whispering (low intensity)

I speak with a very high tone (high pitch) or too low (deep)

I talk for a long time without resting

I talk while listening to loud radio, music, or TV

I go to places with loud music or noise and talk

I talk and/or sing a lot outdoors and without amplification

I sing excessively for a long period and without rest

I sing without vocal technique, without warming up or cooling down my voice

I talk a lot while traveling by car, train, subway, bus, plane

I talk a lot on the phone

I speak fast, with increased speaking speed

I speak with my mouth almost closed and with my teeth clenched

I speak without pausing and run out of breath at the ends of sentences

I speak without breathing and take a deep breath before speaking

I imitate voices of other people, characters, or sounds with effort

I work in a noisy family environment

I live in a noisy environment or with people with hearing problems

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