
Exploratory research to find out customers' reaction about wallpapers which have such special features like automatically changing color to your selected, after 2 years. Easy, safe and comfortable way to change your interior after two years without any dirt renovation! It's not magic, it's just new technology.

How old are you?

Please estimate your annual household income.

Who decides what kind of interior should be at your house?

How interested would you be in buying wallpapers which are able to change color after 2 years?

Would you buy these special wallpapers if it would be 20% higher price than usual wallpapers?

Overall, what would be the THREE most important factors in choosing these wallpapers?

In your opinion, what would be the best way to advertise these wallpapers?

What would you like to change in our product?

  1. nothing
  2. a little bigger sizes would be better.
  3. nothing
  4. nothing much
  5. no
  6. no change
  7. nothing
  8. didn't use yet
  9. no
  10. anything that is in the latest fashion.

Overall, how favorable or unfavorable is your opinion of our product?

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