What is happiness for you?

I have an assignment for an art project to collect data about what makes people happy. So if you could help me by answering these questions and writing your very own recipe of happiness you would boost your karma with extra points! The poll is 100% anonymous so specific ideas and original/weird/scary thoughts on happiness are very welcome, you can also post links that illustrate your answers. Thank you:)

P.S. You can answer in both English and Lithuanian.

Questionnaire results are available only to the author

What is your sex? ✪

To which age group do you belong?

What do you do in life?

Would you describe yourself as an optimist?

What country do you live in?

What makes you happy?

How do you understand happiness?

List three or more things that associate happiness to you.

Is there something that could make you the happiest person alive?

When you're feeling down, what do you do to make yourself feel better/happier?

What is your favorite way to make others feel happy?