What is your opinion about new technologies for cars?

There are fanatics who say that old cars without a computer system are more durable, less corrupt, and cause fewer problems, although global research shows the opposite. So my research is about your opinion.
Results are publicly available

What is your sex? ✪

How old are you? ✪

How many years have you been driving a car? ✪

What is your opinion about the ABS (Anti-lock Braking System)? ✪

What opinion do you choose about a computer-controlled engine? ✪

What is your opinion about airbags? ✪

What is your opinion about climate control? ✪

What is your opinion about the PRE-SAFE system (recognizing an accident and preparing car security systems)? ✪

What do you think about burglar alarms? ✪

What is your opinion about new technologies in cars? ✪