What Role does Religion Play in Your Life?

Why do you/don’t you believe?

  1. I believe that there is something, but I do not feel the need to be an active member of any religious confession.
  2. I need to.
  3. aš tikiu, bet man nepatinka, kad viskas tose religijose aiškinama, ribojama, mokoma nesąmonių.
  4. I was raised to believe. It sometimes gives hope when I have none - to believe in something powerful beyond understanding.
  5. Sometimes it simply helps to survive. ;)
  6. I think that if a person believes, this belief helps him to overcome many obstacles in his life.
  7. zmogus, atsidaves religijai atsizada savo artimuju, savo siekiu, praranda savo individualybe, susitapatina su sektos nariais.
  8. I believe in God, don't believe in religions, however, I like our way of life and I thin it is strictly related to cristianism and we should protect it, within reason.
  9. I disapprove of some rules and ideas that religions represent and that makes it hard for me to believe..