What type of relation do students of hard and soft science entertain with work nowadays?

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  1. Mo
  2. Add Gender: Other / Do not wish to say. My study field combines soft and hard sciences. I need to work daily for my studies, but I don’t have a job. So is it a necessity or not? In the end, nothing in life is necessary. I suppose I feel relatively free. I avoid risky jobs, and I think aiming for a single career in a single industry with a single competence at this point in history is risky, so I prefer to do many different jobs and develop many competences to minimize risk, even if that means having shorter project-based contracts. Most important quality of work is ikigai. (Look it up.) I like receiving orders from good management but not bad, and I like giving orders if I’m feeling competent about it but not if I’m not. Spellcheck for typos.
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