Why are Lithuanians closed people?

The aim  : I am a second-year student studying public administration at Aleksandras Stulginskis University, conducting a survey to find outwhy Lithuanians are closed people.


Closed-mindedness: These are people who do not try to accept new ideas, different, non-traditional thinking.

Questionnaire results are publicly available

1. City where you live.

2. Age.

3. Gender

4. Have you traveled abroad?

5. Do you speak any foreign language?

6. Do you feel comfortable communicating with a person of a different nationality?

7. If not, what is the reason?

Other reason. Please specify.

8. Would you like to have a foreign friend in your circle?

9. Do you have a foreign friend in Lithuania?

10. Would you feel comfortable having a foreign neighbor?

11. Would you accept foreign culture and traditions in your surroundings?

For example: Your foreign neighbor listens to their country's traditional music.

12. Do you think that Lithuanians are conservative and closed-minded people?

13. If so, choose one of the possible reasons.

Other reason. Please specify.